Linda Bowen


Art Genre: Painting

I have been painting for years but not activly selling because of family health issues but am now getting back to it.

I have also been doing plein air competitions the past 3 months to learn to paint faster and landscapes.

Spring City- Heritage
Midway- Plein air paradise
Red Butte Garden- For the love of Nature …currently artist statement on website. Updates coming soon and adding several new paintings.
I love any art that inspires us and makes us ponder nature and creation. The world needs art that is positive and uplifting and gives hope and light. Art is therapy, fun, hard work, long hours and exciting when it starts to come together. Its amazing to watch something two-dimensional suddenly become alive and three-dimensional, through contrasting shadow and light.

I have loved painting always but really began to study when my kids were older and then looked for more challenging things to paint. I started taking advanced oil painting classes and was lucky to have studied with Lynn Millman Weidinger and Frank Covino I fell in love with the classic old master’s style called Verdaccio.

I get inspiration for paintings from animals and nature and the amazing color combinations from sea life, birds, landscape and scriptures.
