Pamela Robins



Art Genre: Oil Painting

Pamela Robins has a BFA in Visual Communications & Graphic Design from Northern Arizona Universary. She has been a professional graphic designer and art director for over 20 years. She has studied extensively with William Schneider as well as attended classes with Daniel Gerhartz, Scott Burdick and David Shelvino. Pamela has been in the American Impressionist Society Magazine, participates in the Holladay City Arts programs and show her work at the Relics Framemakers and Gallery, as well her website.

Pamela works in oils and loves how fluid oil paint is, and how expressive a brush stroke can look to capture light on a subject. Working mostly from life with studio still life set ups, as well as figure studies.

Relics Framemakers & Gallery in Holladay, Ut.

Instagram: @pamela_robins_art
Venmo: @pamela-robins
PayPal: @pamelarobins5